20世纪50年代,热障涂层(Thermal Barrier Coatings,TBCs)概念最早由美国 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administrati-on)-Lewis 研究中心提出,并进行了大量研究,主要用于发动机涡轮叶片表面制备一层热障涂层以延长发动机服役寿命。
参考资料[1] SpaceX launches its most ambitious Starship test flight yet. Here’s what to know.[2] Moving into the Thirties: What's New on Starship 30?[3] Just Don't Melt: Flight 5's Upgraded Heat Shield.[4] SpaceX Catches a Super Heavy Booster During a Milestone Flight 5.
[5] 埃隆·马斯克传。中信出版集团(2023)