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我们来说说木星吧All About Jupiter for ChildrenAstronomy and Space for Kids


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我们来说说木星吧All About Jupiter for Children: Astronomy and Space for Kids - FreeSchool欢迎收看《免费学堂》You’re watching FreeSchool!木星 离太阳的距离排第五的行星 也是太阳系中体积最大的行星Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun, isalso the largest planet.除太阳外 木星是太阳系中最大的星体Aside from the Sun, Jupiter is the largestobject in the solar system.它被称为气态巨行星 因为体积大 大部分由气体组成It is called a gas giant, because it is solarge and it is made mostly of gasses – hydrogen,包括氢气 氦气 甲烷和氨气helium, methane, and ammonia.木星的组成物质有很多与恒星相似 若体积再大80倍Jupiter is made of many of the same materialsas stars: if it had been about 80 times more它或许会成为一颗恒星 而非行星massive than it is, it might have become astar instead of a planet.300多颗地球才抵得上木星的大小It would take more than 300 Earths to equalJupiter’s mass.木星的体积是太阳系其他所有行星之和的两倍It is twice as massive as all of the otherplanets in the solar system put together,直径超过88000英里 即142000公里and has a diameter of more than 88,000 milesor 142,000 kilometers.木星的体积如此庞大 如果木星是一个罐子It is so large that if it were a big jar,more than thirteen hundred earths could fit需要1300多个地球才可以填满它inside of it.木星在几千年前就已经被观测到 并为古罗马人所知Jupiter has been observed for thousands ofyears and was known to the ancient Romans,他们以“朱比特” 众神之王的名字来命名木星who named it after Jupiter, the king of thegods.木星是夜空中亮度第三的星星仅次于月球和金星It is the third brightest object in the nightsky – dimmer only than the Moon and Venus.木星距离太阳很远 因此环绕太阳一周Jupiter is so far from the sun that it takesmore than 11 Earth years for it to travel需要11年around once.尽管木星的轨道比地球长得多 但其一天却很短Although Jupiter’s orbit is much longer thanthe Earth’s, its day is much shorter.地球每24个小时自转一周而木星每9个小时自转一周The Earth rotates once every 24 hours: Jupiterrotates once about every 9 hours – faster比其他行星速度都要快than any other planet!旋转得过快引起包围木星的云层出现强烈的天气现象Spinning so quickly causes strong weatherpatterns in the clouds surrounding the planet.这让木星成了太阳系暴风雨最多的行星This makes Jupiter the stormiest planet inthe solar system.木星上有个永久的漩涡“大红斑”There is a permanent whirlpool of storms onJupiter known as the Great Red Spot, which它已经旋转了几百年has been churning for centuries.早在350年前罗伯特•胡克就用望远镜发现了大红斑It was first observed more than 350 yearsago by Robert Hooke, and can be seen using a telescope.大红斑体积很大 事实上比地球还要大The Great Red Spot is huge – in fact, it islarger than the Earth.但最近的观察结果显示 大红斑正在缩小However, recent observations have shown thatthe Great Red Spot is shrinking, and is currently目前的体积是观测以来最小的at the smallest size it has ever been observed.木星云层的温度远非严寒所能形容Temperatures in Jupiter’s clouds are far belowfreezing – negative 234 degrees F or negtive达到零下234华氏度 也即零下145摄氏度 但越靠近木星内核 温度越高145 degrees celsius, but near the center itis much, much hotter.木星地核温度可能高达43000华氏度Core temperatures on Jupiter may reach 43,000degrees F or 24,000 Celsius – hotter than也即24000摄氏度 比太阳表面还热the surface of the sun!木星至少有67颗卫星Jupiter has at least 67 moons.其中55颗卫星非常小 体积只有几英里或几公里宽Fifty five of these moons are very small – onlya few miles or kilometers wide.从地球上就可以用望远镜看到最大的四颗卫星The four largest moons, Io, Europa, Ganymede,and Callisto, are large enough to be seenIo Europa Ganymede Callistofrom Earth with a telescope.它们在400年前 由意大利天文学家伽利略发现They were discovered by the Italian astronomerGalileo Galilei about 400 years ago.木卫三是太阳系中最大的卫星 体积甚至超过水星Ganymede is the largest moon in the solarsystem, and is even larger than the planet Mercury!木星的外部有一层稀薄的云环围绕着Jupiter also has a system of thin rings aroundit, although these rings are much, much smaller比土星的还小than Saturn’s.大多由细小的微粒构成因为太稀薄很难被发现Made mostly of tiny dust particles, they areso thin and so hard to see that no one knew它们直到1979年才被美国宇航局发射的“旅行者”太空监测器发现they were there until NASA’s Voyager 1 probeapproached Jupiter in 1979.从1973年以来 有八个航天器 曾路过或造访过木星Eight spacecraft have either passed or visitedJupiter since 1973.2011年8月5日 美国宇航局发射了名叫朱诺的第九个航天器继续探索木星On August 5, 2011, NASA launched a ninth spacecraft,called Juno, to further study the planet.朱诺有望在2016年7月进入到木星轨道Juno is expected to achieve orbit around theplanet in July of 2016, and there is no knowing它将会揭秘关于木星这个太阳系最大行星的令人激动的最新消息what new, exciting information it will revealabout Jupiter, the giant of the solar system.希望你今天对木星的了解很愉快I hope you enjoyed learning about Jupitertoday.下次再见 拜拜Goodbye till next time!

01、金牛座 Myth of Taurus

02、土星 Saturn

03、水星 The Planet Mercury

04、月相是什么 The Planet Mercury


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