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All About Saturn for Children

Astronomy and Space for Kids


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你正在观看的是《基础校园》You’re watching FreeSchool!土星是从太阳数第六颗行星Saturn, the sixth planet from the sun太阳系第二大行星is the second-largest planet in the solar system只比木星小smaller only than Jupiter.土星很好辨识 因为在它周围Saturn is easy to identify because of the large, beautiful有一系列巨大而美丽的圆环system of rings surrounding it.和木星 天王星 海王星一样 土星是一个巨型气态行星Like Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, Saturn is a gas giant.它主要由氢和氦组成It is made mostly of hydrogen and helium,行星上层大气中存在氨晶体with crystals of ammonia in the upper layers of its atmosphere,这些氨晶体正是土星表面呈现淡黄色的原因which is what gives it its pale yellow color.尽管土星最外层由气体组成Although the outermost layers of Saturn are made of gasses,科学家仍然相信如果你从大气层中穿过scientists believe that if you traveled down through the atmosphere,你将会发现这些氢和氦会变成液态you would eventually find that the hydrogen and helium became liquid,甚至继续往下 变成含金属的and even farther down, metallic,在行星的中心科学家相信有一个坚硬的岩石核and in the center of the planet, they believe there is a hard rocky core.土星是太阳系中密度最小的行星Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system.尽管它比地球要大的多Although it is much larger than the Earth –直径大约是地球的9倍 质量是地球的95倍about nine times wider and 95 timemore massive –密度只有地球的12%it is only about 12% as dense as the Earth is.这意味着如果你能找到一个足够大的浴缸That means that if you wereable to find a bathtub large enough,土星将会浮在水面上!Saturn would float in the water!和木星一样 土星有风暴和云条Like Jupiter, Saturn has storms and stripes of clouds,它们不太容易看见因为颜色太淡they are just harder to see because of their pale color.但是 土星上的风However, winds on Saturn are速度比木星大的多much faster than Jupiter’s winds.土星上的风速在太阳系里排第二Saturn has the second-fastest winds in the solar system,能达到1800千米每小时reaching speeds of 1800 km/h.唯一风速比土星大的行星是海王星The only planet with winds faster than Saturn is Neptune.土星离太阳很远Saturn is far from the sun –大约有89亿英里about 890 million miles或者14亿千米远or 1.4 billion kilometers away.因此 土星公转一周要花很久的时间As a result, it takes a very, very long time to travel around the sun –大约29年about 29 years.但是它自转的速度很快However, it spins – or rotates –比地球快的多much more quickly than the Earth does.比起地球自转一圈花费24小时Instead of rotating once every 24 hours,土星自转一次的周期小于11小时Saturn’s day lasts less than 11 hours.土星是人类不需要望远镜就能看到的最远的星球Saturn is the farthest planet that can be seen by humans without help from a telescope,而且它被人类发现已经有数千年and so it has been known to humans for thousands of years.古巴比伦 希腊The ancient Babylonians, Greeks,罗马 中国以及日本等国的天文学家Romans, Chinese and Japanese astronomers and more都知道土星all had a name for Saturn.“土星”这个词The word ‘Saturn’来自古罗马神话中的comes from the name of the ancient Roman god Saturnus,农业之神god of wealth and agriculture.尽管古代天文学家已经知道土星Although ancient astronomers knew about Saturn,但没有人了解它周围的圆环no one knew about its rings.这些圆环如果没有望远镜是看不见的The rings are not visible without the help of a telescope,所以直到天文学家伽利略and so it wasn’t until the astronomer Galileo在1610年利用他的望远镜观察土星used his telescope to observe Saturn in 1610人们才知道土星与他们所知道的行星有些不一样that people knew that there was anything different about it at all.当伽利略看见这些圆环的时候When Galileo saw Saturn’s rings,他并不知道那是什么he didn’t know what they could be.他认为可能是卫星He thought they might be moons,或者是以主行星为中心运转的更小的星球or smaller planets set beside the main one in the center.他甚至形容这些圆环为土星的“耳朵”He even described the rings as Saturn’s “ears.”不久之后 当更精密的望远镜出现It wasn’t until later, when stronger telescopes were made,天文学家意识到土星被又宽又平的圆环包围that astronomers realized thatSaturn was surrounded by wide, flat rings.土星的圆环直径大约17.5万英尺Saturn’s rings are about 175,000 miles或28.2万千米or 282,000 km across,但只有30英寸或10米厚but only about 30 feet – or 10 meters – thick.它们由许许多多片冰和岩石组成They are made of many, many pieces of ice and rock,从一粒沙子般大到一辆公共汽车那么大ranging from the size of a grain of sand to the size of a bus.科学家相信这些圆环可能是在彗星Scientists believe that the rings may have formed when comets,小行星甚至是卫星 由于土星上的重力asteroids, or even moons collided or were ripped apart而碰撞或撕碎的时候形成的by Saturn’s gravity.随着时间的推移As time went on这些碎片可能会继续互相碰撞these pieces may have continued colliding with each other,粉碎成更小的碎片smashing into smaller and smaller pieces.除了土星的圆环In addition to its rings,土星周围还有很多的卫星和人造卫星many moons and satellites orbit Saturn.它至少有62个卫星It has at least 62 moons, and大约100个更小的行星围绕在土星周围perhaps 100 more smaller bodies also circling it.土星最大的卫星泰坦Saturn’s largest moon, Titan,是太阳系第二大卫星is the second-largest moon in the Solar System.科学家对泰坦很感兴趣Scientists are very interested in Titan,因为它是太阳系中because it is the only moon in the solar system唯一已知的拥有浓厚大气层的星球known to have a dense atmosphere:大气层中主要是氮 存在部分甲烷以及氢mostly nitrogen with some methane and hydrogen present.泰坦同样也是除地球以外唯一一个Titan is also the only celestial body aside from Earth被发现表面有液体存在的星球that has ever been found to have bodies of liquid on its surface.这些液体当然不是由水组成These liquid bodies are not made of water, of course –泰坦的表面温度太低液态水不会存在the surface of Titan is far too cold for liquid water –所以泰坦表面的湖和海里so the lakes and seas of Titan满是乙烷 甲烷和丙烷are filled with ethane, methane, and propane.迄今为止 只有四艘宇宙飞船登陆土星So far, only four spacecraft have flown by Saturn.从1979年发射的先锋者11号开始Beginning with Pioneer 11 in 1979紧跟着旅行者1号 以及19世纪80年代早期发射的两艘宇宙飞船and quickly followed by Voyagers one and two in the early 1980s,土星上已经超过20年没有其他的登陆任务no other missions visited Saturn for more than 20 years,直到2004年卡西尼号飞船登陆until the Cassini spacecraft arrived in 2004开始探索这个星球and began orbiting the planet.卡西尼号至今留在土星Cassini remains there to this day,向地球发送关于土星表面的图片和信息sending pictures and information about Saturn back to Earth.不知道未来我们还会发现什么新鲜的信息There is no way to knowwhat new information will be revealed next!我希望你们能享受了解土星的过程I hope you enjoyed learning about Saturn, the ringed planet.下次见!Goodbye till next time!

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