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发表于 2024-9-1 17:50:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Planetary scientists still debate the age and provenance of Saturn’s rings.



After 13 years exploring Saturn and its moons, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has just 5 months left to live. But it will go out with a scientific bang.


On 22 April, Cassini will slingshot past Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, for the last time. Four days later, the probe will hurtle into the unexplored region between the giant planet and its rings. Cassini will thread that 2,400-kilometre-wide gap 22 times before its kamikaze dive into Saturn’s atmosphere on 15 September.

4月22日,卡西尼号将最后一次进入泰坦——土星最大的月亮。 四天之后,卡西尼号将进入土星与土星环之间未探索过的地区。卡西尼号将在9月15日的坠入土星的大气之前22次通过2400公里的行程。

This unprecedented journey promises to yield fresh discoveries for the venerable spacecraft. “It will be like a whole new mission,” says Linda Spilker, Cassini’s project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. “There are fundamental new scientific measurements to make.”

对卡西尼号来说这次前所未有的旅程有望带来新的发现。位于加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳的喷气推进实验室(JPL)里的项目科学家琳达·斯皮尔(Linda Spilker)说:“这是一个全新的任务,会有本质的科学新发现。”

Titan’s gravitational pull will fling Cassini into its ‘grand finale’ orbits, plunging between Saturn’s innermost ring and the planet’s cloud tops (see ‘Cassini: the final frontier’). The spacecraft will turn its main antenna forward, to act as a protective shield against any errant ring particles as it whizzes along at 110,000 kilometres per hour.

泰坦的引力将会将卡西尼带入其最后的轨道,在土星最内圈及云层顶端之间沉没(参见“卡西尼:最后的边界”)。 卡西尼号将转动主天线向前作为防护罩防止碰上任何错误的环形颗粒,因为它以每小时11万公里的速度行进。


High-resolution photographs have captured mysterious propeller-shaped gaps that ripple through some of the farther-out rings, probably formed by unseen moonlets. “The rings really are changing before our eyes,” says Jeffrey Cuzzi, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.

高分辨率的照片显示出神秘的螺旋桨形间隙,这些间隙可以通过一些未见过的小卫星形成的较远的环形波纹。加利福尼亚州莫菲特菲尔德市(Moffett Field)美国宇航局Ames研究中心的行星学家杰弗里·库齐(Jeffrey Cuzzi)在说:“土星环真的在我们眼前发生变化。”

Cassini’s remote-sensing instruments will get their closest look yet at the rings, on sides both lit and unlit by the Sun. Measurements will show how the chemical make-up of the ring particles varies from place to place — information that is crucial for researchers who are trying to tease out which compounds pollute the rings’ otherwise pure ice.

卡西尼号的遥感仪器会得到距离土星环最近的外部图像,太阳照射和非照射面均可以看到。测量结果将显示组成土星环的颗粒的化学物质因地而异 - 这些信息研究人员分析除了纯净冰之外哪些化合物污染了土星环很重要。

And scientists might finally unravel the rings’ biggest mystery — how old they are and how they formed. Between May and July, Cassini will make its most precise measurements of Saturn’s gravitational field; by tracking the spacecraft’s motion as it flies between the planet and the rings, mission scientists expect to improve their calculations of the mass of the rings by an order of magnitude. A relatively high mass would suggest that the rings were ancient, perhaps formed by a big moon ripped apart billions of years ago. Lighter-weight rings would suggest a more recent formation, perhaps from a visiting comet that disintegrated.

而科学家们终于可以揭开土星环最大的谜团 – 年龄大小以及形成方式。 5月至7月期间,卡西尼号将对土星重力场进行最准确的测量; 通过跟踪宇宙飞船在土星和土星之间飞行,该任务的科学家们期望能够对土星环的质量的计算改善一个数量级。 相对较高的质量将表明土星环很老,也许是由几十亿年前大的月亮撕裂而成。较轻的土星环将表明它最近的形成,也许是来自彗星的瓦解。


Cassini 卡西尼号探测器

Planetary 行星的

Provenance 起源

Spacecraft 飞船

Hurtle 猛冲

Unexplored 未探索的

Region 区域

Thread 通过

Gap 缝隙

Kamikaze 神风特攻队

Unprecedented 前所未有的

Gravitational 重力的

Fling 直冲

Plunge 跳入

Antenna 天线

Shield 保护物;盾

Errant 错误的

Propeller 螺旋桨

Moonlet 小卫星







注: 数独是一种源自 18 世纪末的瑞士数学家欧拉所创造的拉丁方块游戏。传数独源起于拉丁方阵( Latin Square ), 1970 年代在美国发展,改名为数字拼图( Number Place )、之后流传至日本并发扬光大,以数学智力游戏智力拼图游戏发表。在 1984 年一本游戏杂志《パズル通信ニコリ》正式把它命名为数独,意思是“在每一格只有一个数字”。后来一位前任香港高等法院的新西兰籍法官高乐德( Wayne Gould )在 1997 年 3 月到日本东京旅游时,无意中发现了。他首先在英国的《泰晤士报》上发表,不久其他报纸也发表,很快便风靡全英国,之后他用了 6 年时间编写了电脑程式,并将它放在网站上,使这个游戏很快在全世界流行。

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