完整报告视频回放链接:https://www.koushare.com/space/329298/live中国科大寰宇开物天文讲坛致力于为广大天文科研工作者与关注天文研究进展的人们提供一个学术交流与天文知识传播的平台。“寰宇开物”寓意为力求通晓宇宙中万物——这是天文学研究的不懈追求。The Universe, Yours to Discover!
题目:Hyper-Millennium project: a huge cosmological simulation for the next generation of large-scale structure survey
摘要:Dark matter and dark energy are among the most important cutting-edge sciences. Extensive global efforts have been dedicated to the large-scale structure evolution through projects like LSST, DESI, Euclid, PFS, and the Chinese space station optical survey. We have successfully completed a N-body cosmological simulation that traces 4 trillion particles from redshift 100 to the present day within a 2.5 Gpc/h box. The particle mass is 3.2 x 10^8 solar masses, meeting the requirements for the next generation of large-scale structure surveys. This simulation aids in understanding the systemic and statistical uncertainties involved in studying large-scale structure formation, including baryon acoustic oscillations, redshift distortion, weak lensing, high redshift AGNs and etc. In my presentation, I will delve into the details of the simulation and discuss advancements made in galaxy and AGN formation models.