芃斐 发表于 2025-2-6 18:33:22



一场跨越 61751 年的约定

The Comet and I Every 61751 Years

*容维Vincent / 文、图

9月,在一个周六的傍晚,我踏上了前往深圳西涌的旅程,那是一个环境恶劣的海边,但为了观测到难得一见的天文现象,我愿意在此守候。我整晚都未曾离开,直到第二天的清晨 4 点,终于迎来了这次珍贵的天文观测机会。

On a Saturday evening, I set out on a journey to Xichong, Shenzhen to observe an astronomical rarity.

我与天文的故事始于长大后的实践,但自幼便对宇宙怀有浓厚兴趣。童年时,母亲带我游历腾格里沙漠,那晚走出蒙古包,满天星河在无光污染的天空中闪耀,那份震撼至今难忘。随着成长,我对知识的探索 不再浅尝辄止,自学成为常态,自然而然地,我深入钻研起了天文摄影。

My story with astronomy began at an early age. When I was a child, my mother took me to visit the Tengger Desert. When I stepped out of the yurt one night, the stars shone in the matte polluted sky, the shock is still unforgettable. As I grew up, my exploration of knowledge led me to astrophotography.

紫金山-阿特拉斯彗星(C/2023 A3)源自遥远的奥尔特云,距地 5-10 万天文单位,是颗六万年回归一次的长周期彗星。其轨道独特,受各天体引力影响多变,使每次回归都弥足珍贵。虽太阳系中彗星众多,但能被人类观测到的却屈指可数。

Originating in the distant Oort Cloud, Comet Tsuchinsan Atlas (C/2023 A3) is a long - period comet that returns once every 61,751 years, at 50,000 to 100,000 AU. Its orbit is unique and variable under the influence of the gravity of each celestial body, making each return valuable. Although there are many comets in the solar system, only a handful have been observed by humans.

上图:A3 彗星的抛物线轨道(图中紫线)

Right: Parabolic orbit of comet A3 (purple line in image)

阿特拉斯彗星(C/2023 A3) 回归时,靠近太阳和地球轨道,其由 H₂O、CO₂、CO 冰及硅酸盐、铁尘埃构成的表面因高温形成彗尾;尽管面临太阳高温可能导致的解体风险,这却是它亮度激增、绽放耀眼光芒的唯一途径。

When Comet Atlas (C/2023 A3) returned, it was close to the Sun and Earth orbit, and its surface composed of H₂O, CO₂, CO ice, silicate and iron dust formed a tail due to high temperature; This is the only way it can increase in brightness and shine, despite the risk of disintegration caused by the sun's high temperatures.


Chart below from http://astro.vanbuitenen.nl/comet/2023A3, apparent magnitude observations (blue and green to predict apparent magnitude, division point for the   actual measurement of apparent magnitude)

A3 彗星(C/2023 A3)避开了太阳高温,亮度从 9 月初的3-4 级攀升至远超肉眼观测极限的负数 级别。这为天文爱好者提供了观测机会,我也已准备并密切关注,期待捕捉其壮丽身影。

Comet A3 (C/2023 A3) avoided the heat of the sun, climbing from magnitudes 3-4 in early September to negative levels far beyond the limit of what can be seen by the naked eye. Thisis an opportunity for astronomy enthusiasts to observe, and I was prepared to pay close attention, looking forward to capturing its magnificent shadow.

一个月前我得知A3 彗星(C/2023 A3)将至,每日虽仅抽空2-30分钟关注,但仍成功进行了几次观测。我通过社交媒体天文软件(如 Starwalk.com, Theskylive.com )和专业平台获取信息。期间,向社交媒体上的天文爱好者请教,收获良多。

A month ago, I learned that Comet A3 (C/2023 A3) was coming, and although I only had 2-30-minute periods each day, I still managed to make several observations through socialmedia,astronomy software (such as Starwalk.com, Theskylive.com) and a professional platform (such as http://astro.vanbuitenen.nl, blogs. NASA. Gov) for information. During this time, I learned a lot from asking astronomy enthusiasts on social media.

在观测A3彗星的过程中,我通过自学探索获得了丰富的天文知识和观测经验,更学会了独立学习和挖掘的方法。长久以来,我习惯于独自钻研,网络成为我寻找答案的主要途径 。尽管没有老师的指导,但我逐渐发现,独自面对困难和挑战,正是这些爱好的乐趣所在。这样的爱好虽不稳定且耗时耗力,但它对我的学业和生活都带来了很大的启发,让我更加独立,对生活充满热情和饱满感。

In the process of observi Comet A3, I gained rich astronomical knowledge and observation experience through self-study and exploration and learned the method of independent study and excavation. For a long time, I used to study alone, and the Internet became my main way to find answers. Although there was no teacher to guide me, I gradually found that facing difficulties and challenges alone was the fun of these hobbies. Although such a hobby is unstable and time-consuming, it has greatly inspired my study and life, making me more independent and fuller of enthusiasm and full sense of life.

2024年9月28日,我备齐超长焦镜头、三脚架 (Fotopro X-Air fly Video Max)、相机(Canon 200DII)及镜头(EF100-400F/4.5-5.6 & EF70-200F/4)等设备,与母亲驱车1个半小时,穿越崎岖的山路,于晚上十一点抵达深圳西涌东面无遮挡地区 。独自漫步海边,我仰望着这片尚未被光污染侵蚀的海边星空,为翌日的彗星观测做最后准备。

On September 28, 2024, I prepared a super telephoto lens, tripod (Fotopro X-Air flyVideo Max), camera (Canon 200DII) and lens (EF100-400F/4.5-5.6 & EF70-200F/4). Driving with my mother for one and a half hours through the rugged mountainroad, we arrived at the open area east of Xichong in Shenzhen at 11 PM. Walking along the beach alone, I looked up at the seaside stars that had not been eroded by lightpollution, making final preparations for the next day's comet observation.

当晚的睡眠对我来说是一种煎熬。没有帐篷,也没有酒店,我只能挤在一个拥挤闷热的小轿车内。由于我太过兴奋,几乎无法入睡。于是,我踏出车门,架起三脚架,打算独自欣赏一下这片纯净的星空 。尽管这里的光污染程度仍然达到 4 级(市区为 8 -9 级),但相比之下已经算是非常纯净了。

That night's sleep was an ordeal for me. There was no tent, no hotel, and I had to squeeze into a crowded, hot car. I was so excited that I could hardly sleep. So, I stepped out of the car door, set up a tripod, and decided to enjoy this pure starry sky alone. Although light pollution is still level 4 (compared to 8 -9 in the city), it is very pure by comparison.

我打开相机,设定好参数( Tv 8~10s, Av 3.5, 18mm~30mm, ISO 800),用相机的长曝光功能,捕捉到了每一颗星的细节,便得到了上图。

---2024.9.29 摄于凌晨 2am.

I opened the camera, set the parameters (Tv 8~10s, Av 3.5, 18mm~30mm, ISO 800), and captured the details of each star with the long exposure work of the camera, and got the picture on the right - taken at 2am on September 29, 2024.

以及上图 2024.9.29 摄于凌晨 1am.

And picture above

2024.9.29 Taken at 1am.

两图均为在广角端下拍摄的星座图,主要由几个冬季星空代表组成(猎户座,金牛座,双子座等) 。

Both images are constellations taken at the wide-angle end, consisting mainly of a few representatives of the winter sky (Orion, Taurus, Gemini, etc.)

在观测A3彗星之余,我还用肉眼欣赏了北半球著名的猎户座,其中猎户座大星云 M42 尤为显眼,视星等为 4 等,距离地球约 1500 光年,占据天空中1平方度的面积。由于 M42 尺寸较小,且我未携 带赤道仪,拍摄时只能采用长焦距 、短快门速度及高感光度设置,以避免脱线问题。

In addition to observing the comet A3, I also enjoyed the famous Orion constellation in the northern hemisphere with the naked eye, among which the Orion nebula M42 is particularly prominent, with an apparent magnitude of 4, about 1,500 light-years away from the Earth-- occupying an area of 1 square degree in the sky. Due to the M42's small size I could only shoot with a long focal length, short shutter speed and high sensitivity settings to avoid off-line issues.

2024.9.29 凌晨 1.30am M42 猎户座大星云


2024.9.29 1.30am M42 Orion Nebula focal segment 200mm (insufficient exposure causes the celestial detail is not well displayed)


In the astronomical world, everything is fascinating. But with the comet about to rise, Iturned and walked with my equipment to the unobstructed area of Sai Chung No. 4 Beach. After setting up the equipment, adjusting the azimuth and exposure parameters, I waited quietly, expecting the comet to arrive.

北京时间清晨 5:12 分,A3 彗星已然升起,并已出现在厚厚的底层云层上方,全然可以进行观测拍摄了。此时彗星视星等 2 等左右,但对于肉眼来讲仍然稍难分辨, 即便确定了视角和方向,也需要敏锐的相机来捕捉彗星的光线,再进行下一次调整和构图。

At 5:12 am Beijing time, Comet A3 has risen, and has appeared above the thick layer of clouds, completely ready for observation and photography. Currently, the comet's apparent magnitude is about 2, but it is still slightly difficult to distinguish for the naked eye, even if the angle of view and direction are determined, a good camera is needed to capture the light of the comet, and then the next adjustment and composition.

我用的方法是我自己琢磨出来的, 我命名为反复曝光法,就是先对一个大致区域进行一个相对广角的一个曝光,快门时间长一点(如 50mm, 10s 左右),确定好出现的具体位置后,再进行调整参数和重 新构图,反复前者,并最终可以使用长焦来捕捉对象细节。

I used the repeated exposure method with a relatively wide angle of exposure; the shutter time is a little longer (such as 50mm, 10s or so), to determine the specific position, and then I adjusted the parameters and the re-composition, repeating the former, and finally using the long focus to capture the object details.

以上,所拍摄到的第一张彗星图像, 可见当时构图还没有调整完好并且方位角及仰角有待调整。

On the left, the first image of the comet was taken, showing that the composition had not been properly adjusted and that the azimuth and elevation had yet to be adjusted.


After adjustment, I finally captured an image of the comet on the ground using a medium telephoto segment.

最后,我由衷地感激我的父母,正是他们无条件的支持塑造了今天的我。摄影这一爱好,无论时间还是 金钱上的投入都颇为可观,若无他们的鼎力相助,任何理论知识都将只是空中楼阁。他们洞察到这不仅 是爱好,更是我成长与学习的宝贵途径,且见证了我的执着与热爱, 因此不断给予我鼓励与支持。对他 们的感激之情,难以言表。

Finally, I am truly grateful to my parents, whose unconditional support has shaped who I am today. Photography is a hobby that takes a lot of time and money, and without their help, any theoretical knowledge would be just a castle in the air. They see that this is not only a hobby, but also a valuable way for me to grow and learn, and witness my dedication and love, so they continue to give me encouragement and support. My gratitude to them is beyond words.

总结: 这次难得的彗星观测的经历不仅仅另我见证了这场跨越星系的相约,还让我从中收获到了各种经验,以及自学中解决苦难的办法等,对于我个人而言,在没有任何老师,亲人以及朋友的情况下,仅仅依靠网络与书籍来了解并切成功进行一次难得的天文观测,实在对我来说是一个成功的鼓舞,乃至一个 无法忘却的经历,我相信,它对我的未来将会帮助很大,同时也会让我拥有一个更充实的见识。在这学习小众爱好的路上,陪伴是不可多得的,而正是这份在孤独中探索与成长的经历,铸就了我坚韧不拔的意志与对未知世界无尽的好奇,它将照亮我前行的道路,引领我向着更加辽阔的知识宇宙勇敢迈进。

This rare observation allowed me to witness this event across the galaxy, while learning ways to solve hardships through self-study. For me personally, without any teachers, relatives or friends, I only relied on the Internet and books to understand and conduct this rare astronomical observation. It is an inspiration for me, and an unforgettable experience. I believe that it will be of great help to my future. In this hobby, company is rare, and it is this experience of exploring and growing up in solitude that has forged my perseverance and endless curiosity for the unknown world, which will illuminate my way forward and lead me to more knowledge of the universe.





校长新春致辞 | 灵蛇启岁,嘉愿满途



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